Halloween candy is a delightful part of enjoying the spooky season. A Halloween candy board is a fun way to display those candy classics. Inspired by the charcuterie board, this candy board is delicious and a spooky display.
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There are so many things I love about Halloween. The pumpkin patches, the scary movies, the costumes, and of course the yummy treats.
Candy isn’t something I usually choose for dessert. As you know, I am a baked good kinda gal. But…when the Halloween season is here I turn to the candy.
Halloween candy brings back those Halloween memories and adds to the experience. Or at least that is what I tell myself as I am stuffing fun-sized 3 Muskateer bars in my mouth.
On that note, where are my 3 Muskateer lovers at? People poke fun at me for liking them and I do not understand why! They are light as a cloud and taste delicious! More for us I guess.
Anyways, enjoying a little candy during October is hardly a sin and I say let’s indulge a little!

The candy board was first introduced to me last year when I was scrolling through Instagram. I fell in love! I am already pretty obsessed with charcuterie boards. A board stuffed full of cheese, marinated olives, meats, and crackers, how could you not love that!? If you are looking for a spooky savory version this spooky Halloween charcuterie board is for you.
The candy board brought my obsession to a whole new level. I made a candy board for my Halloween party last year and it was a hit! My guests loved that they found the candies they enjoyed as a kid displayed in such a fun way. Making a candy board is so easy, but there is a little planning involved. Here are a few tips to make your board stand out.

Choose the display
This is what the candy will go on. A wood board, a piece of marble, or a serving platter. Keep the color in mind when choosing. The candy will be bright so choosing something with a flat neutral color will make the candy pop even more.
Mix up the candy choices
Include Halloween candies like these gummy eyeballs, pumpkin candy corn, and caramel apple pops but don’t be confined to just themed candy. You can add to the holiday vibe with colorful candies like orange starburst, sour ropes, or even Skittles. Basically, go nuts! Check your local store for a bulk section to find great deals on candy.
Pick different sizes and shapes of candy so your board has dimension. It also helps to add at least one container filled with candy. Whether it is a pumpkin baker filled with small candy as I did, lollipops standing in a glass, or a coffin box full of treats.
Build the board
When you are ready to start building your board, take a minute to plan out in your head where you want everything to go. But honestly, I think the best board comes from just trusting yourself and going for it.
Balance out your board by placing some of the same kinds of candy on opposite sides of the board. Try not to put too many like-colored candies next to each other. If you don’t like the look of where a certain candy is, move it! You have total artistic control over this board so do what you want.
Also, do not be afraid to pile the candy on. These boards look the best when candy is over-flowing and packed full.

If you want to see exactly how to put this candy board together, check out my segment on Afternoon Live. I shared all my tips and tricks on how to make your candy board stand out.

Gummy Eyeballs, Pumpkin Candy Corn, Caramel Apple Pops, Sour Ropes, Orange Starburst, Fireball Candy, Candy Corn, Yogurt Pretzels, Reeses Pieces, Sour Gummy Worms, Orange Rock Candy

Caramel Apple Pops, Candy Corn, Sour Gummy Worms, Pumpkin Candy Corn, Milk Chocolate Caramel Balls, Yogurt Pretzels, Fireball Candy, Apple and Orange Runts, Googly Eyes, Reeses Halloween Cups

White Rock Candy, Mini Bones, Eye Gumballs, Ghost Sugar Cookie, Caramel Apple Lollipops, Green M&Ms from Ghoul Mix, Dove Dark Chocolate Pumpkins, Apple Gummy Rings, Yogurt Pretzels, Black Licorice, Reeses Halloween Cups

Reeses Halloween Cups, Dove Dark Chocolate Pumpkins, Orange and Chocolate Tootsie Pops, Mini Frosted Cookies, Mini Tooties Rolls, Harvest Candy Corn, Cookies and Scream M&Ms, Pumpkin Candy Corn, Wrapped Rolos
Okay this is seriously the cutest idea!
Thanks, Natasha!
This is such a good idea! Definitely going to have to try it!
Thank you! Share a picture if you make one!
This is such a fun Halloween party idea! Love it! Thank you for sharing.
Thanks, Brigitte!
Wow! These candies look amazing! Small pieces of art 🙂
Thanks, Magda!