What is more creepy than an old doll? A doll head with glowing green eyes! This DIY project is fun, easy, and brings spooky vibes. Only a few supplies to make this simple but scary piece of Halloween decor.
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Fall brings up so many memories for me. Waking up early to catch the school bus standing out in the crisp air, going on walks with my mom, looking at all the trees, but most of all decorating for Halloween!
Every year, I love finding easy way to decorate for Halloween and I look forward to creating a Halloween candy board.
When my sister and I were growing up, my mother had so much fun decorating and involved us in the décor decisions which made it so fun for us too. Twenty-something years later my mother and I are still comparing decoration ideas.
We keep our eyes out for possible Halloween projects all year round. It really ramps up in the summertime when estate sales are everywhere and we hunt for inspiration and vintage gems.
A few summers ago we went to an estate sale that had a room full of dolls. It was so creepy but awesome so we decided to each buy a doll and make a glowing doll head light. This is such an easy DIY project that will add a subtle eerie look to your Halloween decorations. The best part, it doesn’t take many materials to make.
Supplies Needed
- Doll head (check the thrift stores and garage sales)
- X-Acto knife
- Candelabra Base socket
- LED light bulb
- Superglue
- Eyeballs
let’s get started!
Start by pulling the head off of the doll’s body. Most dolls will have some sort of attachment from the head to the body that you will have to cut.
Style the doll’s hair. I cut the doll’s hair off; remember that doll head from the movie Toy Story? Yea, that was my inspiration. You could leave the hair long or use a diluted mod podge to mold it to look crazy.
Next, check to see how the eyes are secured in the head. My doll’s eyes were in there pretty securely and were covered in a film of plastic. I had to use an X-Acto knife to cut an X into the plastic and then push the eyes through.

For the eyeballs, I suggest using eyeball pong balls. They are thin and light easily shines through and you can separate them in half.
Pop the pong balls in half and use the front part of the eye. Put a coat of super glue around the pupil of the eyeball, and stick the eyes on the inside of the head.

When I visited the hardware store for the lighting (with my doll head and yes I got some interesting looks) I asked a very nice store attendant for her advice on what to use. She suggested a candelabra socket and a LED light bulb.
Using a LED light bulb is much safer than other light bulbs. LED doesn’t give off that much heat and reduces the risk of fire. Since my doll head is made of plastic, any other light bulb could melt it.
You can also use battery-operated string lights stuffed in the head.

Drill a hole into the back with a hand drill. Use an X-Acto knife or small scissors to cut more away to make the opening larger.

Place the candelabra socket in the opening. The socket has a snap-in spring around it which makes it easy to secure. Once the socket is placed add the light bulb.

Eerie, huh? My doll head sits on one of my dressers. It has already scared me once when I was getting a midnight snack! This project was so easy and took under two hours to make! This is a simple way to add a little spooky to your Halloween decor during this fun holiday season.

Great post, Kay!
However, you forgot to give your favorite Aunt credit for steering you and Cathy to that sale!
That looks so cool! I’m really impressed you figured out how to get light to shine through eye balls. the plastic ping pong eyes are genius.
This is something that can really be built on and expanded.
Great idea!!!!
This would literally freak me out so I’ll leave it to your house ha! You are a genius at Halloween Kay.